
Social Stuff

Tea for Three

Last year a friend (Sara with Ensembles of the Past) recounted how much fun she had exchanging teacups through a blog (The Enchanting Rose by Stephanie), so when she shared about it this year, I naturally had to check it out!
I found a delicate, dainty little site full of feminine beauty, and in exchange, got to meet two very special ladies, and have a cup of tea with them by way of snail mail. One from England and one from Maryland.

This was my first time sending mail overseas, and I had so much fun putting a cute little package together.

On the flip side, part of what makes this unique is also receiving a dainty little teacup from a woman you’ve never met.
Here are a few images of the charming package I received one cold blustery afternoon from a sweet sister named Angela.

The Enchanting Rose Teacup Exchange
In the end, this is going to be one of the highlights of my year, and I look forward to not only getting to know these two ladies I’ve been united with, but also, preparing all year for next years exchange!

Laurel 🙂

Husband Material

Husband Material

Sometimes when choosing the attributes that make a man worth marrying, it is so easy to get caught up in the menial details…height, career, build, features, housing, cars…all the things that shine :).  But through it all, I want more than that…and maybe not more, but not that at all!
In my brain wanderings I haven’t been able to get away from these two points…if I can find a man with just these two qualities…then maybe I’ll find someone to spend a lifetime with!

1. He loves God more than me
(Luke 10:27)
2. He loves me more than himself
(Ephesians 5:28)

So, I encourage you to look beyond the shimmer of the exterior, and try to feel the pulse of a man’s heart.  You may be surprised at the gem you uncover.  And I pray you find happily ever after with the man of your dreams.


Abundantly More

Husband Material

husband material backgroundFree Wallpaper!
(Direction for Windows: Right click on image, and select “Set As Desktop Background”)

Crafty, DIY, Photography

DIY: Clothes Hanger to Plate Hanger!

hanger s

I’m an avid plate collector apparently, I just can’t pass up a cute plate for .50 cents at a thrift store! And to justify this collection, I’ve taken to using them as decoration :).  Naturally, I got creative, and used my many metal clothes hangers for a more productive purpose!

You need:

  • Metal Hangers (1 clothes hanger makes 2 plate hangers)
  • Wire Cutters
  • Pliers
  • Pins or T-Pins



DIY Plate Hangers


DIY Plate Hanger

Ta-Da!  You’re done!!  It takes all of five minutes to make these!  I hung them on the wall with either a small pin, or a T-Pin, depending on how heavy the plate is.

Have fun with this, and share your plate arrangements on the
Abundantly More Facebook Page!!

Until Next Friday!



Cleaning Lessons from a Messy Me :)

Cleaning Lessons from a Messy Me :)

In the last two years, I have moved from my parents house to an apartment, from the apartment to a house, from the house to my parents house again, from my parents house to a dorm, and then back to my parents house.  Needless to say…I’ve moved a lot, and I’m terrible at it!  I fill my car so full of my ‘precious belongings’ that I can’t see out the back window, and I can never seem to duplicate the beautiful packing job where every box is labeled, and every item nicely packed away.  I throw everything into different bags and boxes that I can’t close, and throw it all in my car, shutting the door fast enough so it doesn’t all come tumbling down like the Kratt Brothers closet…:D

Since moving home ‘again’, I’ve been trying to re-organize, prioritize, and energize my space.  I have more furniture than my half of a room can fit, and my ‘hope chest’ that contains enough to start my own mansion isn’t needed in an already furnished house.

Thus, my cleaning spree has brought some new lessons for life:

#1. Your junk will take up as much space as you give it…so think small!

Think small as in storage, as in furniture, as in nick nacks, as in crafts and hobbies…if you have a space to put something, you definitely will! The only thing you need to think big on is your give away box!

So, join me as I learn how to downsize my “precious valuables”, find better ways to display them instead of store them, and make my space Abundantly More!
